Dr. Krisztina Molnár
Department of Pedagogy
Visiting lecturer
- Office:1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 9-11.
- Building:Ground Floor, Room 10
- Phone:+36 1 374-6200
- Internal extension:260
- Email:molnar.krisztina3@uni-bge.hu
My university degrees: pedagogy teacher and pedagogue, Hungarian language and literature teacher. My academic degrees: Doctor of Education (PhD), Doctor of Literary Studies (PhD). My other qualifications: self-knowledge, personality development and communication trainer.
Professional career
- 2017-Literary Magazine (senior editor)
- 2017-Apor Vilmos Catholic College (professor, head of department, editor-in-chief of Catholic Pedagogy)
- 2008-2017András Pető College (associate professor, head of department, director of institute, president of TDT, editor-in-chief of the journal Science and Profession)
- 2012Best teacher Award (King Sigismund College)
- 2016Best teacher Award (András Pető College)
Research areas
- pedagogical anthropology
- pedagogical mental hygiene
- teaching methodology
- pedagogy in the arts
- Hungarian literature of the Enlightenment
- contemporary literature
- adult education
- assessment theory