International accreditations
The Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) is an association of 70+ schools of business from leading universities around the world. We collaborate to provide outstanding, internationally-oriented business education that prepares students to succeed in the global economy. BUEB earned the NIBS accreditation in 2017.
The BSc in Tourism and Catering and the MSc in Tourism Management programmes are accredited by the internationally recognised Institute of Hospitality, a prestigious organisation in the field of accreditation of hospitality and tourism programmes, supporting high quality training and lifelong learning. The Institute’s members are in all sectors of the industry and its accredited academic programmes can be found in all corners of the globe including Canada, many EU countries, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia.
CIPR the UK-based global professional body of PR professionals, has a thorough procedure for checking the content and delivery of academic programmes in relationship with public relations and communication. Our BA Communications and Media Studies academic programme became the first academic programme in Central and Eastern Europe to be recognised by the CIPR, recognising the quality of the content and the delivery.
Current and prospective students of the BA Communications and Media Studies programme of BUEB FIMB, regardless whether they study in Hungarian or in English, can refer to this quality seal when applying for jobs in the field of communications and media worldwide, as an evidence of studying on a programme meeting the expectations of the profession and industry. Our students and graduates can become individual members of CIPR (subject to application fees / grades) and have access to a variety of benefits: professional materials, trainings, certification programmes, networking opportunities and professional events.
International memberships
AACSB International (AACSB), a global nonprofit association, connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders.
Founded in 1950, under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Association of Universities (IAU) is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organisations from around the world.
The European University Association (EUA) represents more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Through continuous interaction with a range of other European and international organisations, EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard.
CEEMAN is an international management development association established in 1993 with the aim of accelerating the growth in quality of management development in central and eastern Europe.
The European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) represents universities of applied sciences and university colleges; other members of EURASHE are national and sectorial associations of higher education institutions, and other individual institutions, such as universities.
UIIN is an international knowledge leader on university-industry engagement, entrepreneurial & engaged universities and knowledge transfer.
As a socially responsible institution, BUEB is committed to sustainable operations, fostering social mobility, providing equal opportunities for students, and supporting an active community life and healthy lifestyles. The university became a member of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) network in 2017. PRME, established in 2007 and supported by the United Nations, serves as a platform to advance sustainability, with the objective of deepening business students' understanding of sustainability and equipping them with the skills needed for future challenges.
In 2023, BUEB distinguished itself as the sole higher education institution in Hungary chosen as a PRME Champion by the UN PRME Secretariat, joining 47 other global business universities. PRME Champions, united in their commitment to sustainability, strive to be leaders in the evolution of management education in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.