Budapest University of Economics and Business
1055 Budapest, Markó u. 29-31.
Tel.: (+36) 1 301 3428
Fax: (+36) 1 301 3432
Budapest University of Economics and Business
1055 Budapest, Markó u. 29-31.
Tel.: (+36) 1 301 3428
Fax: (+36) 1 301 3432
Budapest University of Economics and Business
Building „E” (administration)
1149 Budapest, Buzogány u. 11-13.
Tel.: (+36) 1 469 6600
Fax: (+36) 1 469 6635
Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism
1054 Budapest, Alkotmány u. 9-11.
Tel.: (+36) 1 374 6200
Fax: (+36) 1 302 2956
Faculty of International Management and Business
1165 Budapest, Diósy L. u. 22-24.
Tel.: (+36) 1 467 7800
Fax: (+36) 1 407 1563
Faculty of Finance and Accountancy
1149 Budapest, Buzogány u. 10-12.
Tel.: (+36) 1 469 6600
Fax: (+36) 1 469 6610
Faculty of Finance and Accountancy Berzsenyi Dániel utca Educational building
1087 Budapest, Berzsenyi utca 6.
Tel.: (+36) 1 313 6224