Dear Students! Below we will try to present the "Progress" menu item in the Neptun Study System. With the help of this new area of Neptun, you can check where you are in your studies, what subjects you have completed, and where there may be any gaps (i.e. subjects you should have taken but have not yet.)
The page for monitoring your academic progress can be found on the Neptun Study System student web interface under the Studies/Progress menu point, where you can easily keep track of where you are with respect to the subjects required by the institution. By selecting your sample curriculum and subject groups, you can obtain a list of your subjects and can check their completion status.
If you are interested in a specific sample curriculum, possibly within that a group of subjects, you can select the relevant curriculum in the "Sample Curricula" list on the interface, then you can enter the subject group(s) in the drop-down menu, then click on the "List" button for the results. In the filter conditions, all sample curricula can be specified at the same time, and you can also use the enumerator with the “All” option of the subject group, in which case you can get a complete picture of your completed subjects and those to still be completed.
After the listing, three panels appear on the interface:
1. Sample Curriculum Subjects
The groups of subjects and subjects in the sample curriculum can be seen here. If it is a subject, then the columns "Subject name" and "Subject code" are loaded, if it is a subject group, then the columns for the name and code of the subject group are loaded!
Subject groups can be opened with a plus sign (+) at the beginning of the line, in which case you can see which subjects are in the given group. If there is a value for the Subject Group attributes, a blue information icon ( ) will appear next to "Subject Group Code". Hovering over this information icon will display the values for the Subject Group attributes (if relevant and set): " All subjects to be completed", " Number of subjects to be completed", and "Number of credits to bed completed". It is usually the latter piece of information that is displayed.
The subjects or the subjects of the subject group are displayed in different colors based on the performance of that subject, which is also stated in the information panel at the bottom of the interface:
- Green: Registered for and completed
- Red: An equivalent subject has been completed
- Black: Registered for but not yet completed
- Blue: Not yet registered for
In addition to the specific color codes, completed items may have a green check mark in the "Completed" column. If all the subjects in the subject group have been completed and the subject group characteristics have been set in the student's sample curriculum, then the green check mark will also appear in the "Completed" column in the subject group row. However, its absence is not necessarily a problem as long as you can find Registered and Completed written in the „Status” column.
2. Non- Sample Curriculum Subjects
This interface displays subjects that may not have been taken from a sample curriculum (typically elective subjects). There are only two types of color coding in this panel:
• Green: Registered for and completed
• Black: Registered for but not yet completed
3. Summary of the Performance of Registered Subjects and Credits
In the third panel, the summary of the completed subjects and credits is displayed in tabular form.
The contents of the two rows of the table:
- Subject completed
- Credit achieved
The contents of the four columns of the table are:
- Compulsory
- Comulsory elective
- Elective
- Total
Separated by the “Total” / sign, you can also see how much is expected and how much of it you have completed.
We would like to draw your specific attention to the fact that certain sample curricula may contain more compulsory subjects than would otherwise be required for the programme. There are technical reasons for this, and in each case the subject performance requirements for the programme and start year in question the governing!
If one of the “Compulsory Elective” subjects in your sample curriculum achieves a higher credit value than that prescribed in the programme, this excess can be included in the credits of the “Elective” type subjects, but it is advisable to pay special attention to this, because the system does not handle it by itself, and may indicate a deficiency in the performance of the elective items!
All in all, the number of credits required to complete the relevant programme is the standard you should adhere to, the fulfillment of which can be monitored on the basis of the “Credits to be completed” value indicated for each subject group. However, we would like to point out that the interface in the Study System is just a way to help you monitor your progress, because in all cases in question, the official sample curriculum published on the website corresponding to your programme and dependent on the year you started your program is the authoritative standard you must follow.