BUEB's diverse research and scientific activities focus on topical and practical issues of relevance to economic operators. To ensure that the results are put to use as quickly as possible, our research teams also work on research and development projects with key players in the Hungarian economy. Our university is committed to knowledge sharing, so we make our scientific results public in many ways - one such platforms is the Knowledge Map, which provides a thematic, searchable classification of research at BUEB.
Our high-quality, targeted scientific research has a high added value in increasing our international competitiveness and enables us to become a leading university of applied sciences in Central Europe. At the same time, as Hungary's most prominent business-oriented university of applied sciences, it is a priority for us to also carry out high-quality applied research, the results of which can be directly utilised in the corporate sector and education. One of the ways our university can create economic and social impact is through high-quality research and the widest possible dissemination of the results.
The Knowledge Map was created in 2018 with the support of the EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00012 project entitled “With innovative solutions to increase the efficiency of R & D & I activities in Zala County”.
Our aim is to communicate BUEB's colourful scientific research activities and achievements to members of our internal community, our partners, and external stakeholders. The Knowledge Map is a way of establishing contacts for future joint research.
Thematic Areas
In addition to the business, economics and management sciences, our researchers are also involved in, among others, linguistics, communication and media sciences, and course and higher education pedagogy research.
The Knowledge Map allows you to organise and review nearly 150 group and individual research projects from the last five years, according to various criteria. The database includes more than 260 research collaborators and more than 70 partners, including universities, companies, research institutes and NGOs from abroad and Hungary. The research data sheets - mainly in Hungarian, and in some cases in English - include a brief description of the content, a list of internal and external participants, highlights of the main results (e.g., publications, workshops, curriculum development), the current status of the projects, their classification by discipline and keywords. Search among our research staff, research projects and topics according to your interests! The site dynamically tracks which disciplines are currently relevant to most of our research.