Equal opportunity, to us, signifies that every member of society has an equitable chance to participate fully and effectively, on an equal basis. In pursuit of this commitment, BUEB has implemented policies applicable to all university citizens and established dedicated bodies and committees to address the needs of individuals with special requirements.
Committees and programmes at BUEB
The SHSB is a university-level entity entrusted with the evaluation of applications for exemptions and benefits catering to students with disabilities. Its responsibilities extend to coordinating the institution's efforts related to disabilities and facilitating the provision and procurement of technical equipment for students with disabilities.
Chaired by BUEB's Equal Opportunities Expert, who also serves as the University's disability coordinator, the SHSB comprises three members from the faculty and three from the student body.
Applications for equal opportunities are received and evaluated by the SHSB through the Neptun platform, with decisions communicated via the same channel. Students with sensory, motor, speech, autism, learning, or behavioral disabilities, or a combination of multiple disabilities certified by a professional opinion issued by a county or district pedagogical service or ELTE GYOPSZ, are eligible to submit applications.
In adherence to legal requirements, the SHSB is unable to grant discounts or exemptions without expert opinions from the specified organizations. Independent expert and foundation opinions are not accepted. Individuals with special needs lacking the mentioned specialist opinions can obtain information on alternative options from BUEB's Equal Opportunities Expert.
Members of the SHSB in the academic year 2023/2024:
Eszter Rajnai (OSEO, President)
Dr. Péter Berta (FIMB)
Dr. Dóra Dobák (FFA)
Dr. Orsolya Thuma (FCHT)
Sebestyén Hornyák (FIMB Student Organization)
Adrienn Tóth (FFA Student Organization)
Orsolya Varga (FCHT Student Organization)
In February 2023, BUEB reinstated the Equal Opportunities Committee with the primary objective of providing a platform for faculty and staff dedicated to equal opportunities. This initiative aims to foster the expression of views, development of ideas, and submission of proposals within a formal framework. While open to all university employees, the Equal Opportunities Committee actively encourages colleagues from under-represented groups, who wish to contribute as experienced experts, to participate.
The overarching role of the Equal Opportunities Committee is to ensure that all university citizens can engage in work and study at the University, free from any form of discrimination or other manifestations that compromise their human dignity. The committee is also committed to exploring measures that enhance the conditions for citizens from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Currently, the Equal Opportunities Committee operates through five specialized working groups:
- Working Group on the Abuse-Free University Concept
- Working Group on Equal Opportunities for University Students with Children
- Working Group on Equal Opportunities for Students
- Working Group on Equal Opportunities for Disabled University Citizens
- Working Group on Equal Opportunities for Workers Over Fifty
The current Equal Opportunities Plan (2022-2026) at BUEB is designed to ensure that all university citizens have the opportunities to harness and develop their talents and skills to the fullest extent. This initiative goes beyond by safeguarding individuals and groups who may be potentially disadvantaged based on a protected characteristic. Compliance with the principles outlined in the Equal Opportunities Plan is obligatory for all University citizens.
Aligned with the University's vision, mission, and strategic objectives, the Equal Opportunities Plan is a testament to the institution's commitment to its five core values: collaboration, excellence, commitment, development, and trust.
To uphold transparency and accountability, progress against the objectives outlined in the Equal Opportunities Plan is reported annually.
The current Equal Opportunities Plan, applicable from 2022 to 2026, articulates values and principles in alignment with the University's vision, mission, and strategic objectives. These principles are binding for all citizens and external partners of BUEB, forming the foundation upon which the University will pursue its objectives. The plan identifies target areas for development and outlines groups disadvantaged based on a protected characteristic, prioritizing measures to assist them.
To uphold transparency and accountability, progress against the objectives of the Gender Equality Plan is reported annually.
A repository of ideas for developing considerate and inclusive courses and programs, coupled with details on the eligibility of students with special needs for discounts and exemptions, is now accessible to our staff on the Intranet platform. Those with access to the internal interface can refer to this resource through here.
We encourage all teaching and support staff to reach out to BUEB's Equal Opportunities expert for guidance on navigating situations appropriately or addressing any questions they may have.
A woman spends over half a million forints on feminine hygiene products in her lifetime, and for some women, acquiring enough of these products each month poses a challenge. In Hungary, it is estimated that up to 30 percent of women, including young university students, grapple with menstrual poverty. This issue not only impacts their academic attendance but also heightens the risk of dropping out. As a responsible and sustainable university, BUEB is committed to raising awareness of contemporary social challenges through its initiatives and programs.
To facilitate education and awareness, an information board placed next to the storage box will provide valuable insights, while a QR code allows users to provide feedback on the project. The next phase of the program's development involves engaging students in both the user and sponsorship aspects. BUEB aims to encourage students to contribute to the project by helping stock the storage box whenever possible.
In 2023, recognizing the importance of providing a more intimate and accessibility-oriented setting, we initiated Special Spen Days at BUEB for students with special needs. Understanding that traditional events like the Educatio Exhibition and faculty open days, which draw large crowds, may not offer the ideal environment, we aimed to create a more informal and tailored experience.
During 2023, we successfully hosted two Special Open Days, specifically designed for students from the Romaversitas Foundation and Ukrainian students. These private open days provided participants with the opportunity to engage with university students, inquire about their experiences, attend a marketing seminar, explore university facilities such as the canteen and the BUEB escape room, and familiarize themselves with other crucial aspects of university life.
We extend a warm invitation to additional groups and foundations to join our special open days. If you work with disadvantaged young people or are a member of a group or association, please reach out to us at sustainability@uni-bge.hu. We would be delighted to organize a half-day program tailored to your specific needs.
Responsible organisation at the university:
Office for Student Support
Contact details:
Address: 1055 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31.
E-mail: eselyegyenloseg@uni-bge.hu
Eszter Rajnai – Equal Opportunities Expert, President of SHSB, President of Equal Opportunities Commitee
Students living with disabilities
According to the act CCIV. Of 2011 about the National Higher Education (Nftv.) „student (applicant) living with disabilities is define as someone who has physical, sensory, or speech disability; multiple disabilities occuring together are considered severe disabilities;or someone who has an autism spectrum disorder or other psychological developmental disorder (for example severe learning, attention or behavioural regulation disorder”.
According to 49. § (8) of the act student with disabilities must be provided with preparation and examination tailored to their disabilities, furthermore they must be given support to fulfill their obligations during their studies. In justified cases, they should be exempted from the obligation to study certain subjects or parts of the certain subjects or to report on them.
If necessary, the student must be exempted from the assesment of language skills or parts of them or a level of them. During the assesment longer preparation time must be ensured and in written exams the use of tools – such as a typewriter or computer- must be allowed, if necessary even the written exams should be replaced by oral exams or vice versa.
The exemption provided based on this paragraph can only be guaranteed in relation to the circumstances that confirm the need of exemption and it must not lead to an exemption from the academic requirements necessary to obtain the qualification by the diploma.
(9) The provision of paragraph 8 must be applied to the foreign language requirements specified in Section 40 (6) and Section 53 (5) b), as well as to doctoral training.
Priviliges available for students living with disabilities
According to Section 62 (1) of Government Decree 87/2015 (IV. 9.) on the implementation of certain provisions of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (Nftv. Vhr.), higher education institutions may grant the following accommodations to students with disabilities based on an expert opinion issued by the body defined in Section 63, depending on individual characteristics and in accordance with Section 49 (8) of the Nftv:
a) application fo written exams instead of oral exam or vice versa,
b) assurance of longer time slots provided for preparation and response than that allocated for students without disabilities during examination,
c) allowance of using tools and equipment related to the disability during the student’s studies and exams
d) assurance of personal assistant, sign language interpreter, oral interpreter, or note-taker during the student’s studies and exams,
e) ensuring simultaneous written transcription of spoken content during lectures and exams for clarity and understanding, and allowing the use of audiovisual aids, braille, and magnification,
f) minimising the waiting time of the student at exams, in case of long examination ensuring itt o be taken in multiple parts, or taking breaks without leaving the venue of exam,
g) if the student needs during the oral examination questions can be written, the expections and questions should be clarified,
h) permission of individual examination,
i) exemption from tasks requiring manual skills, with the requirement that theoretical knowledge is still assessed,
j) partial or complete exemption from practical requirements, or their fulfillment through alternative means, furthermore
k) exemption from the assessment of language proficiency, or a part from a certain level of proficiency.
The extended preparation time should be minimum 30% longer than for the students without disabilities.
In confirmed cases upon the student’s request and based on an expert opinion, the higher education institute may provide other additional or different benefits beyond those regulated in paragraph (1).
The higher education institute upon expert opinion can provide personalised support for those, who are in state of non-disabling health impairment or chronic illness.
Section 64 (1): In consideration of the student's disability, based on the expert opinion specified in Section 63 (1), the student may request partial or complete exemption from academic obligations and exams, or permission to fulfill these obligations in an alternative manner.
(2) According to the regulation specified by the higher education institution:
a) it evaluates the request of students with disabilities for assistance, exemptions and benefits,
b) it appoints and assigns a coordinator, being responsible for assisting students with disabilities at both institutional and faculty levels ,
c) a student with disability – according to the type and degree of their disability- can use personal and technical help and services provided by the higher education institution or by other means,
d) a student with disabilities may use special notes or other technical aids that assist in preparation through alternative methods in place of traditional note-taking.
Proof of disability
According to Section 63 of the Nftv. Vhr., a student (applicant) with disabilities can verify their type of disability with the following:
(2) If the disability or special educational needs of the student (applicant) already was present during secondary education, then this state can be verified with an expert opinion issued by the county (municipal) pedagogical service institution and their member institutions as county expert committees.
(3) If the disability or special educational needs of the student (applicant) was not present during secondary education, then this state can be verified with an expert opinion issued by ELTE Practice National Pedagogical Special Service (ELTE GYOPSZ).
(4) If the applicant is not a Hungarian citizen, and does not have a residence or domicile in Hungary, the disability and special education need can be verified by an official translation of an expert opinion issued abroad, contrary tot he provisions of paragraph (2) and (3). On the webpage of the higher education institution a list of languages, from which a non-official translation can be accepted, too, should be published.
(5) If a non-Hungarian student or applicant already obtains an expert opinion from their home country, the tot he contrary of paragraphs (2) and (3), the disability or special education need can be verified by an official translation of the expert opinion. On the webpage of the higher education institution a list of languages, from which a non-official translation can be accepted, too, should be published.