VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference
Date: 26th April 2024 14:00 (CET)
Venue: Teams online conference
Sustainability Can't Wait!
(Links to join are available on this website!)
Organizing Committee: Dr. habil. Krisztina Szegedi (Chair), Dr. Zsuzsanna Győri (Vice-Chair), Dr. Judit Lovasné Avató, Dr. Titanilla Oravecz, Dr. Mihály Dombi, Dr. Levente Horváth
Be aware of sustainability issues, learn the trends, share the best practices and solutions, be innovative!
The BBU International Sustainability Student Conference provides an excellent opportunity to achieve all these within the framework of one conference!
The conference aims to bring together those students and fellow researchers interested in sustainability who would like to present new research, exchange information, and discuss the current issues.
As a responsible University and Champion of PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) and also member of the European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR network) Budapest Business University’s Centre of Excellence for Sustainability Impacts in Business and Society (CESIBUS) cordially invite all bachelor, master, and PhD students to conduct an independent research in the following topics:
- 14:00 - Opening ceremony
Zsuzsanna Győri, PhD, Head of BBU Centres of Excellence, Head of Centre of Excellence for Sustainability Impacts in Business and Society (CESIBUS), Budapest Business University
- 14:05 - European School of Sustainability Science and Research: Opportunities to Foster Research Collaboration
Joao Eustachio, PhD, Co-Executive Director, European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR)
- 14:30 - Workshop on Scientific Writing: Hints to Increase the Chances of Getting Your Paper Accepted
Joao Eustachio, PhD, Co-Executive Director, European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR)
Section leaders and sections to join:
• Sustainability at SMEs and corporations;
• Sustainable and Responsible Hospitality and Tourism;
• Sustainable Cities and Communities;
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Utolsó módosítás
BBU Sustainability Conference Agenda 2024_UPDATED_0425.pdf
2024. április 25.
BBU VII. International Sustainability Student Conference_short bios.pdf
2024. április 17.
Guideline for Authors.pdf
2023. február 28.
VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference.pdf
2024. február 23.