- Office:1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 9-11.
- Building:Ground Floor, Room 29/3
- Phone:
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- Email:lugasi.andrea@uni-bge.hu
I graduated from Marx Károly University of Economics as a teacher of economics specialised in chemistry and product knowledge in 1985. After graduation, I began my career as an engineer at the Department of Food Chemistry of the National Institute for Food and Nutrition Sciences. Initially, I worked in the food analysis laboratory, and later I became involved in research on lipid peroxidation processes and antioxidants. I obtained a “dr. univ.” title at the Budapest University of Economics in 1991, a PhD at the Faculty of Medicine of Semmelweis University, and habilitated at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of Szent István University, Gödöllő. I was regularly invited as an expert on food science and legal regulations of foodstuffs by various Hungarian and international organisations. From 2005 to 2013, I acted as the head of the Novel Food Panel of the National Food Safety Office. Between 2004 and 2013, I was appointed by the ministry to be the national expert of the EU DG SANCO and the EU Commission Novel Food Working Group. Between 2008 and 2013, I was the representative of the competent national authority in the field of food supplements, appointed by the minister in charge of health. I am a member of the board of the Hungarian Society of Nutrition, and former head, present secretary of the Nutrition Working Committee of the Scientific Committee on Food Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I was deputy director of OÉTI (National Institute of Food and Nutrition Science) from 2007 to 2013 and head of the Department of Hospitality at the Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism of Budapest Business University from 1 February 2013 to 30 June 2022. I was appointed to be the dean of the faculty between 1 September 2016 and 31 June 2024. While working for OÉTI between 1985 and 2013, I participated in numerous Hungarian and international research projects both as research leader and researcher. As a lecturer at BBU, I have led 6 projects, and I am currently doing research in the Research Group for Sustainable Hospitality. The number of my publications in the Hungarian Science Bibliography (mtmt.hu) is 755, my Hirsch index is 36, the number of independent references is 5303, and the cumulative impact factor of my publications is 89,37. I am a supervisor at the Doctoral School of Food Science of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), currently supervising one PhD students. I was a co-consultant of three doctoral student who have obtained a PhD. I began to teach while working for OÉTI: at a preparatory course for medical doctors preparing for the qualifying examination in public health, at the tourism and hospitality BSc program of BBU FCHT, and the doctoral schools of the University of Pécs and other universities in Budapest. The courses I teach at BUEB include nutrition, knowledge of foodstuffs and food safety. I am a subject leader of nine subjects at all levels of instruction. Since 2013, I have supervised approximately 130 theses as well as 17 essays submitted for the Scientific Students' Associations Conference, 3 of which achieved good results at the students’ scientific competition of the Hungarian Association of Food Science and Technology, and 2 won a special prize at the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference. My current research focuses on the impact of kitchen technology processes on the nutritional values of foodstuffs, the nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of dishes, the occurrence of materials causing allergy and intolerance in hospitality, and the connections between healthy eating, sustainable food production (with a special focus on organic products) and the hospitality industry.
Office Hours
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Subject(s) taught
- Health and Nutrition Science (Hungarian)
- Health and Nutrition Studies (Hungarian)
- Healthy Nutrition (Hungarian and English)
- Food and Drink Knowledge (Hungarian)
- Food Safety and Nutritional Knowledge (Hungarian)
- Food Safety and Nutrition (Hungarian and English)
- Foods and Drinks in the Hospitality (Hungarian)
- Hygiene and Food Safety (Hungarian)
- Bachelor Thesis (Hungarian), General Product Knowledge (Hungarian)
Professional career
- 2007-2013National Institute for Food and Nutrition Science, deputy director
- 2013-2022BBU FCHT Department of Hospitality, head of department
- 2014-2016BBU FCHT deputy dean for science and international affairs
- 2016-2024BBU FCHT dean
- --
- 1986-Hungarian Society for Nutrition, member, from 2001 member of the board
- 1990-Hungarian Society for Free Radical Research, member, 2013-2019 secretary general
- 2005-2013National Food Safety Office, Novel Food Panel, chairmen of the panel
- 2011-Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Chemical Sciences, Scientific Committee for Food Science, member
- 2020-2024Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Chemical Sciences, Scientific Committee for Food Science, Nutrition Science Working Committee, chairmen
- from 2024 secretary 2011-2017Hungarian Academy of Sciences Presidential Committee on Environmental Sciences, Subcommittee on Food Safety, member
- 2021-Hungarian Academy of Sciences, VII. Department of Chemical Sciences, non-academic assembly representative -
- 2016-National Research, Development and Innovation Office, expert, Expert Evaluation Board member 2004-2013
- 2020-National Food Chain Safety Office, Novel Food Panel, member
- 2006-2017Hungarian Medical Journal, editorial board member
- 2017-Nutrition Marketing, scientific journal, editorial board member
- 2018-2022Health Promotion, scientific journal, advisory board member
- 2020-Novel Diet, scientific journal, advisory board member
- 1997Pro Hygiéné Foundation, Certificate of Appreciation
- 2002Róbert Tarján Memorial Medal, Hungarian Society of Nutrition
- 2011Certificate of Recognition of the National Chief Medical Officer for activities performed during the Presidency of the European Union in 2011
- 2011Ferenc Tangl Memorial Medal, Hungarian Society of Nutrition
- 2012Pro Sanitate award, Minister of Human Resources
- 2012titular university professor, Corvinus University of Budapest
- 2013Appreciation Certificate and Plaque on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian Veterinary Service, Minister of Rural Development
- 2013titular university professor, Szent István University, Gödöllő
- 2019József Sós Memorial Medal, Hungarian Society of Nutrition
Research areas
- antioxidants in food and living organisms
- examination of the impact of kitchen technology on food
- sustainable and healthy food
- culinary traditions and eating
- allergens in catering
- nutritional values and organoleptic characteristics of dishes
Featured publications
- Györéné Kis, Gyöngyi; Drexler, Dóra; Soós, Gabriella; Lugasi, Andrea; Ujj, Apolka: Organic Food Consumption in Hungary – Factors Supporting Consumption Growth. EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE 15 : 4 pp. 579-597. , 19 p. (2023)
- Soós, Gabriella ; Lugasi, Andrea: Consumer attitude research regarding food hypersensitivity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GASTRONOMY AND FOOD SCIENCE 36 pp. 1-11. Paper: 100918 , 11 p. (2024)
- Lugasi, Andrea: Tropane alkaloids in food – real and perceived risks. ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 69 : 1 pp. 4317-4336. Paper: 10.52091/EVIK-2023/1-1-ENG , 10 p. (2023)