Our Department teaches economic mathematics, statistics, accounting, and IT skills that are essential for receiving the qualification of Bachelor of Commerce and Marketing, Bachelor of Tourism and Catering, and Vocational Technical Instructor.
We help students in the community management programme to learn how to use computer tools properly. In addition, our instructors participate in the teaching of the research methodology courses included in the curriculum of all undergraduate courses in the faculty.
Our elective courses include quantitative methods for decision making, the IT background of business processes such as organising an event, and even the steps involved in designing a restaurant. Our students will therefore acquire knowledge that is relevant to the labour market, private entrepreneurs, SMEs, and multinational companies, depending on their interests.
In the Short-Cycle Vocational Programme, in addition to labour market skills, our students become proficient in processing professional and financial information, business analysis, questionnaire design and analysis, reporting, and they get acquainted with the basics of accounting.
In the Master's Programme in Tourism Management, economic statistics and decision analysis are utilised in tasks taken from practical life. In addition to advanced knowledge of research methodology, emphasis is placed on developing creativity. Simulation tasks in applied mathematical-statistical, econometric, and modelling methods prepare students to develop models and economic plans based on sound calculations for strategic and economic decision making.
Our courses are taught in Hungarian, English and German at the undergraduate level and in Hungarian and English at the master’s level.
The curricula are continuously developed in line with the needs of the labour market, the characteristics of the new generations and the development of technical possibilities, applying modern teaching methodology. We also emphasize individual and teamwork in our training, in connection with which our instructors regularly take part in training courses.
Our instructors have decades of experience. They include mathematicians, teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science, economists, teachers of economics, statisticians, and engineers alike. We have a habilitated lecturer, a teacher with CSc degree and, in general, most of our lecturers have PhDs. Our senior lecturers also hold research and research management positions. We also regularly invite guest speakers from professional organisations. Our instructors have gained professional experience in the following fields among others: actuary, IT consultancy, accounting, auditing, etc. In addition to their teaching activities, one member of our Department is a forensic expert and another works for Morgan Stanley Hungary Analytics Ltd.
Our staff are members of a number of professional, scientific and public organisations - such as, but not limited to, doctoral schools, the Scientific Committee on Statistics and Future Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the professional group of statistics educators, the Hungarian Statistical Society, the Chamber of Justice, the Hungarian Meteorological Society, the Department of Earth Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Meteorological Scientific Committee, etc.
In addition to our mathematical-statistical research, we help and support our staff to engage in research in other fields. Among others, we are involved joint research projects with the Department of General and Applied Geology of Eötvös Loránd University, Szent István University, the University of Kaposvár, the Department of Tourism and the Department of Hospitality of BBU FCHT. In addition to mathematical, sustainable development and sustainable tourism, meteorological and water quality research, our colleagues have also achieved significant results in educational methodology research. Some are actively involved in research activities in the Faculty's Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Hospitality.
Our Department has a decades-long tradition of student talent management. Some of the programmes were supported by the EMMI National Talent Programme. We organise competitions, contests, and we have joint publications with our students. Several of our lecturers also boast award-winning Student Research Society and National Conference of Student Research Societies students, and with the support of the BBU Research Fund we have also funded the Dare to Innovate! programme. There is also a student research group called the Talent Orientation Club (MITO Club).