Our faculty obtained wide-range of international relations. Our main tasks include supporting student mobility, and providing help for foreign students with their studies and other issues.
Opportunities for students on the Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism
Are you interested in other cultures? Would you like to improve your language skills? Would you like to receive a scholarship and study abroad? Would you like to participate in a dual degree program? Would you rather get your internship abroad? Would you like to gain an advantage in the job market?
If your answer is yes to any of the questions above, read more about international opportunities offered by our faculty.
The Erasmus+ mobility program is one of the most popular programs among our students. It is possible to spend one or two semesters at our partner universities as a partial education program and the gained credits will be added to their total credit list.
The Erasmus+ mobility program gives the opportunity to study at a foreign institution and gain work experience at a foreign company, or students can combine both activities.
Sign up for the Erasmus+ mobility program
- if you want to study abroad for a while
- if your average grade reaches the major average or it goes above that
- if you are interested in other countries’ cultures, language, and history and you would like to spend the next semester in that country
- if you know how much a semester spent abroad adds to your future studies or work opportunities
Besides Erasmus+ program, our university has agreements with institutions outside Europe, where our students can participate in a semester/year-long education at the following universities:
- Rajabhat University Consortium, Thailand
- University of Economics and Finance (UEF), Ho Si Minh city, Vietnam
- Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
- Woosong University, Tedzson, Republic of Korea
The Oriental Business and Innovation Centre (OBIC) was created by the cooperation of Budapest Business University (BBU) and the Hungarian National Bank (MNB). We offer language learning opportunities (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese languages) for students, East Asian intercultural management training, one semester/year-long East-Asian mobility programs, and participating opportunities in East Asian summer universities as well.
More information about the Oriental Business and Innovation Office (OBIC).
We have dual degree programs with some other higher education institutions offered for our students to apply for. These partner institutions are the following:
- Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
- Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Fachhochschule Hof, Germany
- Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Kempten, Germany
Students who choose to participate in the dual degree program will receive a BBU degree and a degree from the partner institution as well after completing all subjects and defending their thesis.
Besides the above-mentioned agreements, our students have the opportunity to participate in many other scholarship programs with which they can travel abroad for study trips or for a semester/year-long education. We would like to highlight the following programs:
- BBU Oriental Business and Innovation Office (OBIC) offers language courses and mobility programs every year
- Campus Mundi
- CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program)
- Fulbright scholarship program offered by the USA.
Students of our faculty who participate in the English or German language programs study all subjects in the respective foreign language together with students from other countries, and therefore they have a real international environment throughout their academic years.
Opportunities for foreign students
The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program is one of the driving forces to make BSS a more international institution. During the full length of the program, we offer a mentoring system for foreign students coming to our faculty. Students have the opportunity to ask for help in topics such as educational and subjects related questions, problems, and students can receive some advice from our mentoring colleagues as well. The mentors also inform students about the procedures, deadlines and necessary documents. Other foreign students can ask for help and advice too.
More information on the Stipendium Hungaricum (SH) Scholarship Program can be found HERE.
Every year more and more students participate in Erasmus+ programs, students arriving in Hungary (foreign students) and students going to other countries (Hungarian students), which strengthens our faculty’s international presence.
We offer a wide range of classes and colourful subjects for foreign students, who can also join our bustling scientific and professional community life.
In case of questions related to studies and problems that foreign students may encounter, they can ask for help from the Erasmus coordinators.
Besides Erasmus+ program Campus Mundi and CEEPUS programs also offer more successful study opportunities for our students and for foreign students coming to Hungary.
The aim of the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Program is to support foreign students of Hungarian origins in order to help them study in Hungarian institutions.
More information on the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Program can be found HERE.
The aim of the program is to provide an opportunity to pursue university studies at Hungarian training locations. It is open for Christian young people living in crisis zones of the world where Christians are subject to terrorist threat, humanitarian crisis or religious persecution which results in their exclusion from the opportunity to participate in higher education. Therefore, obtaining a higher education degree contributes to a higher level of social status in the case of returning professionals.
More information on the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People can be found HERE.
Contact us
- Office: 1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 9-11.
- Office: 2nd Floor, Room 207
- Phone: +36 1 374-6200
- Internal extension: 337
- E-mail: pal.agnes@uni-bge.hu
- Office: 1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 9-11.
- Office: 2nd Floor, Room 212
- Phone: +36 1 374-6201
- E-mail: demeny.tamas@uni-bge.hu
- Office: 1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 9-11.
- Office: Ground Floor 32.
- Phone: +36 1 374-6200
- Internal extension: 528
- E-mail: Farkas.Katalin@uni-bge.hu