- Office:1149 Budapest, Buzogány utca 10-12.
- Building:Building A, Ground Floor, Room 03
- Phone:+36 1 469-6600
- Internal extension:6826
- Email:kisfurjesi.nora@uni-bge.hu
I graduated from BGE-KKFK in 2006 with a bachelor's degree in marketing, and gained professional experience in marketing and sales in international FMCG companies.
Currently I am a PhD student at the Institute of Marketing and Communication Studies of Corvinus University of Budapest. My research interests are the liquid nature of consumer behaviour, access-based and digitally consumed products and services. I use both qualitative and quantitative methods in my research, and I am happy to experiment with alternative methods. In my teaching and research activities, I also participate in international collaborations. In the academic community, I am a member of the Hungarian Association for Marketing Education and Research (EMOK) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). In my professional life, I maintain close contacts with national and international companies and agencies. I try to use this both in education and research.
Office Hours
Location | Menedzsment tanszék A03 |
Hours | hétfő 11:20-12:50 |
Comment | e-mail-es előzetes egyeztetés alapján |
Subject(s) taught
- Marketing (English), Marketing+ (Hungarian), Consumer Behaviour (Hungarian), Business Case Studies (English), Entrepreneurship (Hungarian), Thesis supervision (Hungarian and English)
Professional career
- 2020- doctoral candidate in Marketing at Corvinus University of Budapest 2018- lecturer at BGE 2006-2020marketing and sales positions in FMCG industries (Kraft Foods, Henkel, Nestlé)
Research areas
- consumer behaviour, liquid consumption, switching behaviour, psychological ownership