- Office:1165 Budapest, Diósy Lajos utca 22-24.
- Building:Building D, 2nd Floor, Room 52
- Phone:+36 1 467-7800
- Internal extension:972
- Email:lakatos-baldy.zsuzsanna@uni-bge.hu
Dr. Zsuzsanna Lakatos-Báldy PhD. Associate Professor of the BGE Faculty of Foreign Trade, President of MFTE and member of the Ethics Committee of MPRSZ. She began her work by teaching Portuguese and Spanish Language and Culture and LSP for Business, being Head of the Portuguese Division between 1996-2005. In 2005 started to work at the Department of Public Relations, later Department of Social Communication and Media and today’s Communication Department. Her subjects are public communication, business communication, rhetoric, stylistics and creative writing, intercultural communication in Hungarian, English and Spanish. Obtained her PhD degree summa cum laude from linguistics at the University of Pécs. Her field of research is intercultural communication, audiovisual translation and the relationship between the two fields, which gives her the opportunity to use all previous qualifications (humanities, history, language pedagogy, translation studies, dramaturgy, public relations and law) in the most complex way.
Office Hours
Location | D.II.54. |
Hours | Thursday 11.30-13.00 |
Comment | prior consultation by email is required |
Professional career
- 1989-1996 assistant, Department of Spanish-Portuguese Language 1996-2005 adjunt professor, head of the Portuguese section from 1996 to 2005, while in 1998 she was a participant in the Lisbon Expo with several students. Since 2005 she has been a member of the Public Relations Department, later called Department of Social Communication and Media, and since 2018 Communication Department, having been promoted to associate professor in 2015. Subjects taughtbusiness communication, intercultural communication, Spanish and Portuguese language and culture and business language From 2014 the Faculty of Foreign Trade offers again Portuguese language and culture optional courses for students with the support of the Camões Institute, obtained on the basis of the project presented and lead by Dr. Lakatos-Báldy Zsuzsanna PhD. She is also an external lecturer at Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Research areas
- Crisis, cultural diversity, migration
- Film translation as cultural transmission, Cultural realia in film translation, especially the realia of language use, Specific caracteristics of audiovisual translation and film translation as intercultural communication, Presence or absence of sociocultural content in the first lesson of Spanish language books, Audiovisual translation – can AI do that?
Featured publications
- A filmfordítás mint kultúraközvetítés (Translating films is translating culture)
- Válság, kulturális diverzitás, migráció - egy nemzetközi konferencia tükrében (Crisis, cultural diversity, migration – in the mirror of an intarnational conference)
- Az audiovizuális fordítás sajátosságai és a filmfordítás mint interkulturális kommunikáció (Specific caracteristics of audiovisual translation and film translationas intercultural communication)