Welcome to Budapest Business School!
Thank you for your interest in studying at the Budapest Business School (BBS).
On this page, you can find the necessary information about the application procedure to Budapest Business School.
Thank you for your interest in studying at the Budapest Business School (BBS).
On this page, you can find the necessary information about the application procedure to Budapest Business School.
Dear prospective incoming exchange student,
Congrats! You have been selected and nominated by your home university. We will be sending you several updates and useful information before you arrive here and time-to-time exciting facts, recipes, todos in Budapest and Hungary.
On this page, you can find useful information and hints that can make your preparation and mobility easier!
Best regards,
The BBS Erasmus+ Team
Organising mobility requires serious preparation, so it is important to think about mobility activity in all aspects! Consciously organizing mobility makes studying abroad safer and more enjoyable.
To be officially accepted you must fill our registration form here, latest by November 15, 2022.
After the deadline, we will send all of you an official letter of acceptance, with the start and end dates of the semester.
You can find the list of courses offered for exchange students in English by Faculties.
To start filling your Learning Agreement you will need the courses offered for exchange students in Spring 2022:
Also, read practical information for international exchange students.
You can submit your inquiries by filling the form below.
Here you can upload the documents you want us to sign.
Please note, if your home university uses the Online Learning Agreement already, please use it :-)
Name: Budapest Business School
Erasmus code: HU BUDAPES20
Contact person's name: (Mr) Péter Bürge
Contact person's email: burge.peter@uni-bge.hu
Responsible person's name: (Ms) Denissza Blanár
Responsible person's email: blanar.denissza@uni-bge.hu
If you are a student with special needs (in such an individual physical, mental or health-related situation that your participation in the mobility would not be possible without extra financial support), you can apply for additional grant support to the National Agency in your country in order to cover the supplementary costs for your participation in the mobility activities.
As regards the accompanying persons for students with special needs, they are entitled to receive a contribution based on real cost.
Please ask your Erasmus coordinator at your home university how you can request such additional support at the National Agency in your country.
If the before-mobility activities have been well organized, the following administrative matters should be considered during the mobility, in addition to the implementation and enjoyment of studies abroad.
At the orientation meeting, you will get the exact contact hours of the coordinators.
Do not forget to contact the teachers because they can provide the most up-to-date information about the courses and the requirements of completion.
Learning agreements can be changed in the first 3 weeks of the lecture period. The modifications have to be fixed in the Changes to the LA document, it has to be taken to the Mobility Office for signature and sent to your home university. We can also manage Online Learning Agreements (OLA).
You can study languages (English, Hungarian, German, Russian) free of charge and get credits.
At the beginning of your studies, you will be given a NEPTUN code. You have to use your Neptun code to enter to Neptun system. This is the interface to register for your courses and exams.
At the end of your studies, you will get a final Transcript of Records about the courses you studied and the grades and credits you received here.
The Transcript of Records will also contain the duration of your studies in BBS. Please note that we will certify the real duration of your studies, not a longer period, especially not an extra month. Students usually arrive in early September/February and leave late December/June, which is 4.5-5 months worth of Erasmus+ grant.
You should check the access to the IT services because it is crucial for your studies. You can find all information about the access to the following systems: