You can find all the information you need about your studies on the following pages of our institutional website:
Student page - you will find all the information you need to successfully complete your studies in an easy-to-read format under the menu items (e.g., Studies, Finance, Services, Opportunities, etc.).
Frequently Asked Questions - typical questions and answers for students from the Student Services Group and the departments.
Most common Neptun problems/Student Guide - this page provides quick help with registering for courses, starting a term or registering for exams.
Information on administrative offices - if you cannot find the answer to your question on the above pages, please first check where each case is dealt with! You will find information here. It is important that you check the opening hours of the offices before you contact them in person!
The BBU Academic Regulations for Students can be found here.
Please visit the Faculty website first and read the Student Guide if you have any questions for the Student Services Group.
You can also contact your fellow students in the Student Union if you have any questions!
Information on language learning can be found here.