Dear Students! In the following below, we will try to help you overcome any problems or obstacles that may arise in connection with the use of the Neptun Study System. We will attempt to provide guidance not only on identifying the causes of the difficulties, but also advice regarding who to turn to for help in resolving your situation, if your problem cannot be remedied.
It is important to emphasize that you must define your problem accurately, giving all the relevant information! In each case, please be sure you enter the following:
- your Neptun code and your name
- exactly what you would like to do
- what obstacle you encountered (if there was a feedback message, what was it - if possible, with a screenshot)
- if the problem concerns a subject or course, what is the subject code and the subject name or course code
- if the problem has to do with an exam, which subject code and name, which course, and the date of the exam in question
With this basic information, you can significantly speed up the administration process.
1. I cannot log-in!
Possible causes:
- “Server Unavailable” (or „turning hourglass”) – The servers may be overloaded for a period of time (typically during subject and exam registration periods). The IT department is always trying to optimise the university network for the expected load, therefore the unavailability problem will disappear quickly in most cases, usually within a minute or two!
- "Incorrect password or ID" - Make sure you enter the correct character Neptun code (for example, the difference between 0 (zero) and O (as in Orsolya)) and that you are using the correct password. Make sure CapsLock is not turned on. If you are absolutely sure that you are trying to log-in with the correct ID and password, but it still fails, try changing the password using the description and help guide on the following website!
2. Due to the current situation of your academic status, registration is not possible
Possible causes:
- You have selected the wrong programme - if you have a previous, already completed programme at our University (eg re-enrolled), check that you are on the right one (the selected programme is shown in the upper left corner, change the “Programme” highlighted in blue, by clicking on the link).
- The settings are incorrect for your academic status - contact the Student Customer Service Office!
3. I don't see one/more than one subject!
Possible causes:
- You have selected the wrong semester - check that the correct semester has been selected in the "Semesters" drop-down menu on the interface.
- You have selected the wrong programme - if you are pursuing more than one programme at the same time at our University, make sure you are on the right one (the selected programme is shown in the upper left corner, and you can change it by clicking on the “Programme” link highlighted in blue).
- You have selected an incorrect sample curriculum - check that the “Sample Curricula” drop-down menu contains the sample curriculum that contains the subject(s) in question.
- Some other filter conditions have been set on the interface - for the sake of simplicity, we recommend that you do not use any conditions other than the “Semesters” filter, leave all fields blank or select “All” in the case of uncertainty.
- You do not have a sample curriculum assigned to the subject you want to add - check the “Sample Curricula” drop-down menu to see if there is a sample curriculum that contains the subject you are looking for (you can find more information about the sample curricula on the University website). If you do not find the sample curriculum among the options, contact the Student Customer Service Office!
4. I don't see one/more than one course!
Possible causes:
- You have selected the wrong semester - check that the correct semester has been selected in the "Semesters" drop-down menu on the interface.
- You have selected the wrong programme - if you are pursuing more than one programme at the same time at our University, make sure you are on the right one (the selected programme is shown in the upper left corner, and you can change it by clicking on the “Programme” link highlighted in blue).
- You are looking for a course in a subject with an incorrect subject code - your sample curriculum may contain subjects with similar names (such as “Applied Mathematics 1” and “Applied Mathematics 2”), so always check by subject code to make sure you are looking for right course!
- Course not advertised / advertised with incorrect settings - contact the relevant Department and report the problem to them!
5. I cannot apply for a course!
Possible causes:
- An error message is received - we have tried to make the Neptun feedback messages “user-friendly” so that you will receive an understandable answer that you will able to interpret correctly, as to what is causing the problem.
- You have an overdue payment announcement- make sure you have settled all your debts in the Study System! You can do this under the Finance / Payments menu (it is recommended to keep the "Semesters" and "Status" drop-down fields All semesters / All types by default), where for items with the status "Active" check the date in the "Deadline" column. If the deadline has passed, pay off your debt! If you dispute the legitimacy of an item there, contact the Student Customer Service Office.
- The course has filled up according to the number of students allowed in the course - check what is included in the “Main/Waiting List/Limit” values; if the first and last numbers are the same (e.g. 25/0/25), the number of places available for the course is full. The relevant Department may decide to increase the number of students allowed in the course.
- Application for the course has been disabled - check that the course code can be clicked on, and that if you hover the cursor over the course code, the text “This course will not start” appears. You may find more information in the "Comment" or in the "Description" field.
- (Some) pre-requisite has been met - if the feedback message does not contain a clear indication of the cause of the problem, you can find information about the possible condition in the pop-up window, in the "Final requirement" or "Pre-requisite" block on the "Basic data" tab. You can also specify a subject to be completed in advance on the "Tabular Prerequisite" tab.
- No registration period - check if you are trying to apply during the correct period announced by the Faculty (hours/minutes also count)! You can do this under Information/Time Periods. If the expected period does not appear here for the given semester, please contact the Student Customer Service Office!
- If you are unable to find an answer to the problem based on the above, contact the relevant Department.
6. I don't see one/more than on exam!
Possible causes:
- You have selected the wrong semester - check that the correct semester has been selected in the "Semesters" drop-down menu on the interface.
- No exam has been announced (yet) /visibility has not been allowed - contact the relevant Department and check if an exam has already been announced and if its visibility has been enabled!
7. I cannot register for the exam!
Possible causes:
- You have an overdue payment announcement- make sure you have settled all your debts in the Study System! You can do this under the Finance / Payments menu (it is recommended to keep the "Semesters" and "Status" drop-down fields All semesters / All types by default), where for items with the status "Active" check the date in the "Deadline" column. If the deadline has passed, pay off your debt! If you dispute the legitimacy of an item there, contact the Student Customer Service Office.
- The exam has filled up according to the number of students allowed for the exam - check what is included in the “Number/ Limit” values; if the first and last numbers are the same (for example, 25/25), the number of places available for the exam is full. The relevant Department may decide to increase the number of persons allowed in the examinations.
- (Some) pre-requisites are not met - check in the "Exam conditions" column if any pre-requisites are set and that you meet them.
- Disqualified from the exam - contact the relevant Department and agree on the reason for which you were disqualified from the exam (for example, not taking a homework, not attending a course, etc.).
- You have not obtained a signature in the subject - a pre-requisite for the exams is to obtain a “Signed” entry for the course. If you think you have obtained the required signature but it has not been recorded, please contact the relevant Department! You can check the existence of the signature under the menu item Studies/Lesson Book, after selecting the appropriate semester, based on the value (or lack thereof) in the “Signature” column!
- A grade has not yet been entered for a previous exam or “not published” entry has appeared- If you have taken a previous exam (even in the previous semester!), check that the grade has been entered for the exam (and not just in the index line!). You can check this either on the "History" tab of the exam pop-up window or under the Student Web Exams/Recorded Exams menu (in the latter case after selecting the appropriate semester), based on the value (or lack thereof) in the "Result" column. To have the missing grade filled in, contact the relevant Department.
- You have not paid the re-examination fee - If you would like to take at least a second re-examination of a given subject, the examination will be subject to a fee. Under the menu item Finances/Deposit, use the "List item" button to write out the IV fee and pay that.
- You have reached the maximum number of re-examinations that can be taken in one semester – Students have a maximum of three examination opportunities for a given subject per semester. If, according to the subject requirements, the practical mark can be improved during the examination period, the student has two correction examination options in one semester.
- No registration period - Check if you are trying to apply during the correct period announced by the Faculty (hours/minutes also count)! You can do this under Information/Time Periods. If the period you are waiting for in the given semester does not appear here, please contact the Student Customer Service Office!