Dear Visitor,
Welcome on the webpage of the Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business at Budapest University of Economics and Business. The decision of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee approved of the establishment of our Doctoral School built on the profile of BUEB as a university of applied sciences as of 14 December 2018. Education in English will start in September, 2020.
The training program of our Doctoral School invites graduate students primarily with master degree in Business and management, but it is open to applicants with master degree in related social sciences and Business administration as well intending to pursue studies in entrepreneurship and business.
Due to its profile, our Doctoral School tends to fill a gap, since this is the first doctoral program in Hungary whose training and research curricula focuses straightforward on business and management issues of small and medium-sized companies and family businesses. We offer an educational and training program based on applied sciences from which those interested in academic carrier and those associated with every day economic practice, even those having MBA degrees may benefit. Our doctoral school invites both applicants who have just accomplished their MA degree and those who have obtained practical experience for several years.
The guiding principle of the curricula and the teaching materials includes the approach and requirements of applied sciences. Our high-level theoretical teaching program focuses on the foundations of research methodology. The subjects that are in line with the entrepreneurship and business profile of our Doctoral School are based on this theoretical and methodological groundwork.
Our students accomplishing the doctoral program will acquire theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge and skills that allow them to pursue applied research, to analyse entrepreneurial, economic and financial phenomena and processes with a scientific background and to solve problems in the world of science, the real economy and in the public sphere.
With the knowledge and skill obtained, our graduates may become successful as highly skilled and innovative analysts, managers or entrepreneurs. The curriculum and quality management of our doctoral program support our aims namely to help our doctoral students to get their doctoral degrees in the shortest possible time frame (four+ years).
We believe that in the future we can collaborate successfully to achieve the objectives described above.
Please note that our English language doctoral program will start as soon as the Doctoral School gets the approval issued by relevant Hungarian authorities, most probably not before September 2020.
Dr. Miklós Losoncz D.Sc.
Core member
Budapest University of Economics and Business
Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business