I extend my warm greetings to you as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Budapest Business University!
In this capacity, at the request of the Minister of Innovation and Technology, from August 1, 2021, I will support the operation and development of the Budapest University of Economics and Business, which will become a foundation-maintained institute of higher education.
I believe that building on the traditions and community of BUEB, this rejuvenation will create opportunities for further development and innovation.
Building on its more than 160-year history and the harmony between education-research and the business world, BUEB contributes to the development of Hungary with up-to-date, competitive professionals and research that directly supports society. You can be justifiably proud of your accomplishments, excellent professionals and students.
I claim that the new operating model is closer to the already strongly market-based operation and spirit of BUEB, and in this new model, the university can start working with renewed vigor to achieve its long-term goals. With the professional and strategic support of the Board of Trustees, we can build an outstanding knowledge center in Central Europe in the future, which will not only serve to enhance the talent development and performance of current BUEB citizens, but will also contribute to the advancement of the wider community, economy and society.
I also consider it extremely important that this model will result in a more predictable operating environment, which will allow the university to respond more flexibly and quickly to economic needs. My goal is for the citizens of the university to be the winners of the future by providing them with the opportunity to take part in state-of-the-art programmes.
Dr. Zoltán Guller
Chairman of the Board of Trustees