Student Research Societies (TDK) are the arena of academic community experiences and talent management in Hungarian higher education, which have a history of more than half a century. TDK is a Hungarian speciality, with no other initiative of its kind anywhere else in the world. Another important element of BUEB's scientific activity is student talent management, the defining field of which is the scientific activity of students, and the Student Research Societies are successful in all Faculties of the University. They aim to mentor and nurture talent, explore scientific experiences and exciting areas of research.
TDK work requires collaboration and extra professional effort from both students and consultants and also contributes to the personal and professional development of the participants, the achievement and publication of new scientific findings, and the enhancement of the reputation of our University. In this spirit, from 2017 onwards, we have been giving special recognition to our outstanding colleagues who, based on the results of their TDK activities, are at the forefront of talent management and thus play a key role in achieving our strategic goals.