Budapest University of Economics and Business (BUEB), as the largest business school in Hungary, works with hundreds of business partners. These collaborations include our partners' participation in education, but also offer internships and job opportunities for our students, or joint research and corporate programmes - to name just the most important ones.
A growing form of collaboration is the involvement of leading business professionals in our curriculum development. We are looking for the content of our university courses that will be most useful to both our graduates and their future employers. This is a key issue, given the timeframes and the main themes of each degree programme, but it is also a fundamental question of ensuring that our students learn the best, most valuable and useful elements of knowledge within these frameworks.
We also seek to develop strategic partnerships with our key partners to ensure that our university can train its students in line with the needs of the real labour market.
Most business professionals in Hungary have a BUEB degree. Our alumni community is made up of tens of thousands of people who are active players in today's business world, who contribute greatly to the development of the Hungarian economy and society, and many of them are happy to help current students and offer them job opportunities. Our aim is to provide a lifelong community space for former students to stay in touch, to learn throughout their lives and to meet new generations of BUEB students. Join the community and become an active BUEB alumni in a few years!