BUEB Researchers' Day
Researchers' Day is our own initiative, launched in 2017. Every spring, we organise thought-provoking lectures and inspiring talks, with diverse and influential research - in other words, everything that makes applied science outstanding and tangible. The aim of the event is to give university research and research teams a wider exposure to each other and to all university citizens.
SRS (Conference for Students’ Research Societies)
SRS (Conference for Students’ Research Societies) is another initiative of the BUEB to bring together students from the BUEB's colleges of applied sciences, where students from the colleges and students who have been awarded scholarships under the New National Excellence Programme can meet and get to know each other, presenting their scientific work to the university community. Traditionally at SRS, we present the Excellent Mentoring Award to our most outstanding lecturer and researcher colleagues in talent management.
Day of Hungarian Science
Every autumn, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences organises a series of national events, the Hungarian Science Festival (HSF), which is a distinguished event in Hungarian scientific life. It is a tradition at our university to join the program series with an international conference, focusing on a different topic in the field of applied sciences each year. At the HSF, the BUEB Science Awards are presented to those BUEB lecturers and researchers who have made outstanding scientific achievements in the year preceding the current year.
Researchers' Night
The Commission of the European Union launched the Researchers' Night initiative more than ten years ago to introduce young people across Europe to the world of research, with all the joys and challenges it can bring, and to show that being a researcher is an exciting career. Each year, our University joins this series of events to showcase BUEB's diverse and influential research through spectacular workshops, thought-provoking presentations, and inspiring talks.
Researchers' Night 2020
Conference for Students’ Research Societies (SRS)
All the faculties of your university have successful Students’ Research Societies, which aim to mentor, nurture talent, share scientific experiences and explore exciting areas. Students research an exciting topic of their choice with the help of their Students' Research Society supervisor, summarize their findings in a paper and present their results at the BUEB Students' Research Society Conference, which is organised by a different faculty each year. Based on the results achieved at the university-level conference qualify our students to represent our University at the National Students' Research Societies Conference. The NSRSC is the pinnacle of student academic success: it is no coincidence that in 2020 the NSRSC initiative took 2nd place at the Highlights of Hungary and took away the special prize of Brain Bar. NSRSC fits worthily with the positive social message of Highlights of Hungary: let's celebrate each other's successes and be proud of our creative values! We are also very proud of the BUEB students and our instructors who mentor them - you can read more about them HERE.