- Office:1055 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31.
- Building:Room 255
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- Email:jancsik.andras@uni-bge.hu
I have been the Vice-Rector for Education at Budapest Business University since 2016, and the Head of the Department of Tourism since 2018. Previously, I was the Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism. I previously worked at the University of Pannonia, where I headed the Faculty of Economics for five years and the Department of Tourism for more than a decade. Currently, as Vice Rector for Education, I am responsible for developing the educational offerings. My responsibilities also include overseeing accreditation processes and professional support for the development of student services. I obtained my academic degrees in the area of international economics. My research and teaching activities are in the tourism field, focusing primarily on consumer behavior, the evolution of competitive factors, and phenomena related to technological development. I have extensive experience in R&D activities as a participant or manager of about 30 projects. I was a member of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee for six years.
Professional career
- 2018–2022Head of Department, BGE KVIK Department of Tourism
- 2017–Vice Rector for Education, BGE
- 2014–2016Dean, BGF / BGE, KVIK
- 2013–2014Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, MMI Tourism Center
- 2013Senior Lecturer in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Liverpool John Moores University (Liverpool, UK)
- 2003–2013Head of Department, University of Pannonia (until 2006, University of Veszprém), Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Tourism, Veszprém
- 2007–2012Dean, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Business and Economics, Veszprém
- 2003–2007Deputy Dean of Education, University of Pannonia (until 2006, University of Veszprém), Faculty of Business and Economics, Veszprém
- 2003–2013Associate Professor, University of Pannonia (until 2006, University of Veszprém), Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Tourism, Veszprém
- 1996–2002Assistant Professor, University of Veszprém, Department of Tourism, Veszprém
- 1994–2002Managing Director, Caravella Travel Kft., Budapest
- 1993–1994Economic analyst, tourism expert, Econoconsult Kft., Budapest
- 1992–1993Representative, Centro Studi Europa Inform (Italy), Budapest
Research areas
- 1) Tourism Marketing
- - Marketing strategies in tourism
- - Destination marketing
- - Consumer behaviour in tourism
- 2) Competitiveness in tourism
- - Factors and models of competitiveness
- - Opportunities for public-private partnerships
- - Competitiveness and strategic planning
- 3) Tourism and technology
- - Information technologies in the field of tourism
- - Sharing economy and tourism