Everyone can ride a bike! Come and spend a great day around Lake Tisza with us!
The tour around Lake Tisza is organized by the BGE (BBS) Sport Office.
Date: October 22, 2022 (Saturday) 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Lake Tisza Bicycle Center.
Tour description:
Participants: BGE PSZK, BGE KKK, BGE KVIK students, BGE instructors, friends, family members.
Possible distances:
The length of the short tour is 40 km
Total tour length: 67 km
Purpose of the tour:
- For those BGE(BBS) students who registered for the "tour course", this is requirement for completing the course.
- The possibility of replacing some physical education classes!
- Students who complete the shortened course will be credited with 2 hours of physical education.
- Those who complete the entire distance can exchange 3 hours of physical education with it.
- KKK students are awarded 20 points for the short term and 30 points for the full term.
We want to organize a wonderful team building day for all other participants.
Application deadline: October 20, 2022, 1:00 p.m. to sajgal.peter@uni-bge.hu.
Arrival: November 22, 2022 (Saturday) 9:30-10:30 at the entrance of the Lake Tisza Cycling Center.
Travel: Individually.
It is possible to arrive by train. The Tisza-tó express departs from Keleti railway station at 7:55 and arrives in Tiszafüred at 10:12, and on the way back it departs from Tiszafüred at 17:49 and arrives in Budapest at 20:05.
Further information:
- You do not have to come with your own bicycle, in fact we recommend that you rent a bicycle on site for an easier journey. We have 500 bikes for rent courtesy of Centrum.
- Students who decide to rent, please bring the exact amount. We can only pay the rent with cash.
- The rental fee is HUF 7,000/bike
- We manage the rental together, so whoever brings a guest, we also manage their rental.
- Please send applications to sajgal.peter@uni-bge.hu by 13:00 on October 20, 2022.
Péter Pál Sajgál
Sports Office