Doctoral research topic announcements are approved by the Council of the Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business (DSEB) annually by 31 March, on the basis of the "Proposal Form" submitted by the prospective topic announcer.
The prerequisites for announcing research topics are that the topic announcer:
- meets the requirements for the appointment of university associate professor (existence of national A-and B- category journal articles (1-1) in his/her discipline and at least 1 international publication (in a qualified - WOS, SCOPUS, Q1-Q4 - journal). The national A and B category article can be substituted with international qualified (Q1-Q4) publication.
- meets the requirements of theses supervision (5 publications in the last 5 years).
- has sufficient English language skills to consult with PhD students.
- has an ongoing research that a doctoral student can join. This is not an essential precondition but an advantage.
The proposal for research topic shall include the following items:
- the title of the topic in Hungarian and English;
- a brief description of the objective of the topic (stating the usefulness of the topic for the University and the Doctoral School), together with a list of possible research questions to provide initial assistance to future applicants, and a summary of the expected results of the research project or program (the content);
- a brief description of the international relevance, importance and actuality of the research topic (leading researchers, schools, conferences and publications related to the topic);
- the description of the skills and experience in the field (education, research, programs, publications) of the supervisor proposing the topic;
- the preliminary professional evaluation and opinion of the proposal submitted in writing by a member of the Doctoral Council who is experienced in the field and invited by the head of the Doctoral School for this task.
Sections of the OOR of the Doctoral School referring to supervisors
2.3.2. Supervisors
(1) Supervisors may be persons having an academic degree who conduct research activities on a continuous basis and publish their research results in (i) peer-reviewed journals of their respective fields of science that are recognized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) or that are on the Scimago Journal Rank Business, Management and Accounting subject area list or (ii) peer-reviewed specialist books.
(2) Supervisors shall provide guidance and support to doctoral students in their studies and scientific research work and help them prepare for obtaining degrees. The supervisor and the doctoral student shall pursue their activities based on a pre-agreed work plan. The work plan includes the schedule of research as well as tasks and deadlines in compliance with publication requirements. Every six months, the supervisor shall provide a report to the UHDC on the progress achieved pro rata temporis in implementing the work plan.
(3) A doctoral student may have up to two supervisors concurrently (a supervisor and a co-supervisor).
(4) Persons may become supervisors under approval by the UHDC. Lecturers and researchers shall be invited to serve as supervisors by the UHDC. The discharge of supervisors from their duties also falls within the competence of the UHDC. Proposed
topics for new doctoral topic announcements may be submitted on a continuous basis by meeting the criteria set out in Annex 1 and submitting the “Proposal Form” therein. Decisions on topic announcements shall be made by the UHDC at its next meeting.
(5) Topics announced by supervisors shall be approved by the UHDC. A supervisor and his/her doctoral student may, under collective agreement, deviate from a topic announced, and this modified draft topic shall be approved by the UHDC.
(6) Each supervision shall be entered in the database of HDC by the Programme Coordinator of DSEB.
(7) Supervisors shall, according to rules pertaining to employment, keep up to date their HDC data-sheets and their lists of publications in MTMT, as well as provide any missing information when requested by staff maintaining the relevant databases.
(8) Supervisors may receive remuneration for their work, and the amount and payment method thereof shall be specified in accordance with the Rector’s Order issued on that subject.
(9) A change in supervisor may, in justified cases, be initiated by any doctoral student, supervisor, or the UHDC. The applicant must submit statements from the transferring and receiving supervisors, attached to the application. The change in supervisor shall be approved by the UHDC.