Department of Applied Quantitative Methods
Department of Methodology for Social Studies
Department of Methodology for Business Analyses
Our departments deliver specific courses that dovetail neatly with the programs announced in each faculty. We also teach our three basic subjects - Business Mathematics, Basics of Statistics and Probability Studies, and Statistics for Business - in a foreign language.
As a result of our workshop, we have developed a lot of curricula and our subject supervisors manage their subjects at BBS level using uniform credit transfer criteria.
In Business Information Analyst specialization, we offer students the subjects of Business and Social Statistics, Data Visualization and Data Presentation, Application of Statistics in Business Decision Preparation, and Economic Modelling and Data Mining.
In the master's degree programs we deal with mathematical statistics and decision preparation methods and econometrics.
In doctoral training, we teach quantitative methods in English.
In specialized training we teach Business and HR Manager training.
Our latest achievement is the development of e-learning materials in our three basic subjects covering all courses. We gladly offer these materials, and reaffirm our professional conviction for independent learning, whether it be for our full-time students or our part-time students.
Further information can be found on the departments’ websites.
All of those who are interested are also welcome to participate in our other professional programs.