The students are free to choose one of the following options to complete their internship:
1. External placement:
Relevant experience in organisations operating in different fields of communication or in an organisation’s communication department.
External placement: 3 weeks/ full-time students: 120 hours, part-time students: 80 hours.
What to do: The students are required to take the Internship course SZGY0BA11. Further information can be found in the chapter "II. PROCEDURE FOR EXTERNAL PLACEMENT".
2. Internal placement:
Procedure: students are required to complete the Internship course SZGY0BA11 in the 6th semester. (The Department of Communication can accept only a limited number of students for internal positions).
Number of hours required: 0+4/week, 52 hours per semester.
What to do: The students must take and complete the Internship course SZGY0BA11 in the 6th semester.
3. Accepting Relevant Work Experience:
Credit will be awarded for work experience gained exclusively in the field of communication and media officially certified by the organisation concerned.
Duration of work experience: minimum 3 weeks/ full-time students: 120 hours, part-time students: 80 hours.
What to do: An application can be submitted on the Online Career Platform using the appropriate form:
Please enclose the following documents to the request:
• An employer’s certificate that demonstrates the duration of work and the job fulfilled.
• A 3-4-pages long report
The request can be found in the Online Career Platform under the Internship Administration/Request for recognition.
The application will be assessed by the programme coordinator.