In most of our Undergraduate and Masters Programs, you have the opportunity to choose a specialization with a maximum value of 30 credits. Specialization allows for a more in-depth knowledge of a narrower field but do not result in an independent vocational qualification (separate major).
The different specializations and their elective conditions are detailed in the curricula of each major. Each curriculum requires a certain minimum number of credits that must be achieved to be allowed to choose a specialization. In addition, many curricula even require the completion of certain specific subjects before specialization choice. We recommend that you find out about the required conditions at the beginning of your studies to ensure you complete all requirements on time.
The choice of specialization always takes place in the semester before the start of the specialization, in the Neptun system. When applying, you must set up a preference order and mark at least two specializations. Students are classified into specializations on the basis of their cumulative credit index, and in the ranking thus formed, those with the best results are put into the specialization they ranked as their first choice.
The procedure continues in the ranking thereafter until the maximum number in one of the specializations is reached. Those who follow will be classified into the specialization they marked as their second choice. The procedure follows the same principle until the last student is classified.
The start of a specialization is subject to a minimum number of applicants. In the case of a given specialization where the minimum number has not been reached, those who have applied for that specialization that will not run, will be automatically placed into their next choice.
It is also possible to take two specializations in one program during your studies. You are only limited by the amount of time you have available to spend on your studies and the maximum total amount of credits you can accumulate. It is up to you to manage your own time, but you need to be aware of the fact that as extra credits, you can only complete ten percent of the required credits at no extra cost or fee (this means for example, 21 credits in a seven-semester program). Anything above that you will have to pay a credit-extension fee.
The number of credits for our specializations is usually between 24-30. If you want to complete a second specialization without incurring a credit-extension fee, you can use your elective credit line for those credits that go beyond the allowed 10 percent. This is 9-12 credits in the undergraduate programs, which, together with the ten percent allowed credits at no extra cost, usually covers a specialization. In this case, you must be careful not to include other subjects (i.e. not belonging to the second specialization) as elective subjects.
You can also use your elective framework to pick up only one or two subjects from another specialization – since the essence of electives is that you can choose any course other than the ones you are required to take, according to your own personal interests and motivations.
You must indicate your intention to take the second specialization separately (by e-mail) to the Deputy Dean of Education for your Faculty.