It is a prerequisite for registration for the semesters, subject admission and the examination application that all your active items are paid in Neptun.
Your active items can be found under the menu item Finance / Deposit in Neptun:
- If you select a semester and set your status to “active”, your active items in the current semester will be listed
- If you do not select a semester and set your status to “active”, all your active items will be listed
There are several ways to pay these and other fees, but we recommend to pay every item through the Neptun system. This will make the item payable immediately.
>> Information about BBU fee payment method (information can be found in the Downloadable Documents on the homepage of Neptun)
SimplePay: Bank card payment from the NEPTUN website Simple pay link (information can be found in the Downloadable Documents on the homepage of Neptun)
If you pay by bank transfer, please include your name, Neptun code and the name of the fee in the notice box. In this case, please note that it might take several days while the status of the given item will change to ‘a completed status’ in Neptun. Please also note that all your acitivites will be blocked until the given item appears as ‘a completed status’. This is why it is very important that you pay everything on time!
During your studies, there may also be occasional fees that are tied to certain accomplishments (e.g., a re-examination fee, an omission fee). These fees either will have to be announced in the system by yourself, or they will be posted to you centrally.
If you are announcing an item for yourself, you should click on the menu item Finance / Deposit in Neptun and choose Announcing. After selecting the title of the item and approving it, it will appear as an active item, which you can pay as described above.
The system of student fees and the rules for the payment of fees can be found under the Articles §112-114 of the Student Requirements System.
If you would like to receive an invoice for the paid fees, select the Finance / Deposit menu item in Neptun, then click on the + sign at the end of the line of the item and select the “Payer” option. Here you can provide the details of the payer.
>> BGE_Számlaigénylő_tájékoztató.pdf (Information can be found in the Downloadable Documents on the homepage of Neptun)
Under Finance / Invoices you will find the issued invoices for your items.
If you would like to finance your studies with a Student Loan, you will find a detailed description on how to apply under the Student Loan menu item.
If you pay your cost fee from Student Loan 2, you must record your Student Loan contract number in the Neptun system (Finance / Settings / Student Loan2), before the payment deadline. After this, you should assign it to the announced item (Finance / Deposit).