What is a Student Services Group?
A Student Services Group operates on all three faculties of BUEB, whose staff will be happy to help you find the answer to any question / resolve any problem that you may have during your studies.
How can SSG help you?
SSG is aimed at providing students information with all academic and financial issues related to their studies, either in person or online. From your enrollment to your diploma presentation ceremony, the staff of SSGs will assist you in your administrative tasks and answer your questions in connection with your studies, applications, Neptun issues.
In addition, the SSG participates in the organization of university and faculty admission events, coordinates student enrolment and provides assistance in answering questions / resolving problems related to the beginning of the semester.
SSO / HSZO can help you with the following:
- Information on admission matters
- Questions about enrolment and semester check-ins
- Student status certificates (school attendance certificate)
- Issues related to registration of subject, course and examination,
- Advising on study matters
- Advising on financial items
- Issuance of student ID cards, validation stickers and administration of temporary student ID cards
- Student loan administration
- Information about applications, acceptance of applications to be submitted on paper
- Assistance in solving technical and other problems related to the Neptun, Modulo and Coospace
- Issuance of certificates to public administration offices
- Coordination of final exams (registration of admissions, assistance in uploading dissertations, etc.)
- Administration of participation requirements at the graduation ceremony, participation in the implementation
- Issue copies of diplomas
Please read the Students' FAQ HERE and if you cannot find the answer to your question, email us at the following email addresses:
FCHT (KVIK): studentservices.fcht@uni-bge.hu
1054 Budapest, Alkotmány Street 9-11. Ground Floor 2.
FIMB (KKK): studentservices.fimb@uni-bge.hu
1165 Budapest, Diósy Lajos Street 22-24.
FFA (PSZK): studentservices.ffa@uni-bge.hu
1149 Budapest, Buzogány Street 10-12.