About the Ethics Committee
If you feel that someone has acted unethically toward you or toward someone else, or you run into an ethical dilemma, feel free to contact the Ethics Committee!
The role of the Ethics Committee is to provide answers to ethical issues that arise, to help resolve ethical dilemmas, to decide on ethical reviews, or whether there has been a breach of the Code of Ethics. The Committee will also propose consequences and preventive measures. It is also very important for the Committee to communicate continuously and transparently, as the aim is to be able to talk openly about ethical dilemmas and issues in our community and to defend ourselves and the rights of others. The Committee consists of a chairman and three members, all representing different departments. The gender ratio is equal among the members. The members of the Ethics Committee are appointed by the Rector of the University for a 3-year term, while the student representative is appointed for one year.
Members of the Ethics Committee:
Dr. habil. Krisztina Szegedi (chairman)
Márta Osztroluczki
Dr. István Auer
Patrik Gábor Buzár
Eszter Knúlné Pál is the administrator of the Ethics Committee.
Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee
The Rules of Procedure of the BBU Ethics Committee contain the principles and rules for the operation of the Ethics Committee and for answering ethical questions and investigating ethical cases. It supplements other BBU regulations. These procedures help us to understand exactly what to do if we experience unethical behaviour, how the ethical process is conducted, or what rules apply to the person reporting the infraction or to the person being reported. The Code of Ethics is a simple and straightforward document that can be found in the attached document library.
Annual Report
Transparency, the development of an ethical organizational culture and the prevention of future ethical problems are important to us, which is why every year, always anonymously, we publish our report on the lessons of the past, summarizing what has happened in the preceding year. The main task of the first year was to draw attention to the Code of Ethics and its principles, in as many places and forms as possible. Among other things, we produced a short video, played a game with the students in the freshman camp, discussed our common values in a quiz, and cooked together and took photos together at the BBU Day. We did all this to encourage everyone to learn about the Code of Ethics. We have also prepared all of our materials in English to make them available to our international students. In the first year, 9 inquiries were received by the Ethics Committee in the form of questions or reports.
Ethical Resolutions
In response to experience and dilemmas that may arise, the Ethics Committee can formulate a general position on the topics that have become the most focused in a given period, since the goal is to be able to talk openly about ethical dilemmas and issues in our community and to protect our rights and those of others. The cases handled in the first year highlighted the need for a more detailed description of ethical expectations regarding communication and publishing activities in order for them to be interpreted uniformly by all BBU citizens. Accordingly, the Committee has prepared The BBU community communication and publication principles resolution.