Internship information for full-time and correspondence course students
The training and output requirements for the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management are set forth by EMMI Decree No. 18/2016. (VIII. 5.)
The training and output requirements for the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management are set forth by EMMI Decree No. 18/2016. (VIII. 5.)
Full-time and correspondence course students are required to complete a 13-week, 520-hour internship outside the place of study in the final semester of their training, as specified in the Faculty's timetable.
2.1 Digital Entrepreneurship, Logistics, Service Management and Business Management specialisations
To start the internship, students must have acquired at least 171 credits according to the model curriculum of the degree programme. The number of credits required may not include credits from the Thesis course (SZAT0BA07).
2.2 Team Academy specialisation
The students of the Team Academy specialisation complete their internship after the first two semesters of the specialisation. This also means that the internship can be started after completing all compulsory subjects of the specialisation.
The students of the Team Academy specialisation will complete the internship in the third semester even if they have not yet obtained the minimum 171 credits required for the courses. The reason for this is that the cohesion of the teams (student enterprises) formed by the students during the specialisation can only be maintained in this way. Specialisation students are expected to complete their internship preferably within the framework of a partnership related to the business idea developed in the first two semesters of the specialisation. For the specialisation only internships and placements related to the courses will be accepted, to be approved by the head of specialisation; internships gained during previous studies will not be considered. If this is not possible for any reason, students may apply for other placements in the SME sector using the application form available for this purpose.
Students who have completed their internship but do not have the minimum 171 credits required for their courses may fulfil course requirements in the semester of the internship as well as in the following semester(s). Taking courses in the semester of the internship that are part of the ordinary programme does not exempt students from meeting the internship requirements, but flexibility will be allowed in the internship schedule.
During the semester of the internship courses can be taken both as examination courses and as normal or specialised courses. The performance requirements for normal or specialised courses taken simultaneously with the internship are the same as the ones described in the respective course guides (subject syllabus and requirements).
The internship is worth 20 credits and its completion is a prerequisite for acquiring the pre-degree certificate.
3.1 Digital Entrepreneurship, Logistics, Service Management and Business Management specialisations
The students are free to choose their internship placement.
Any company or institution with an activity related to the nature of the programme and with jobs requiring higher education qualifications can be chosen for completing the internship. The job requirements include the expectation to introduce the students to one or more aspects of the management of the organisation, giving the students the opportunity to apply and practice the knowledge acquired during their university training.
3.2 Team Academy specialisation
Due to the specific nature of their training, students also complete the compulsory internship within the framework of this specialisation. Students are therefore expected to carry out actual management activities related to their Team Academy studies during their training period. The internship will take place at the Team Academy training site, but due to the specific nature of the training, a different location may also be chosen in agreement with the head of the specialisation, provided that the placement belongs to the SME sector offering business-relevant tasks for the student.
4.1 Digital Entrepreneurship, Logistics, Service Management and Business Management specialisations
The aim of the internship is to provide an opportunity for the students to familiarise themselves with the professional work of the host institution (organisation, company, public institution, NGO) engaged in a field relevant to their studies and specialisation, allowing the students to actively participate in the daily work, independently solve the tasks assigned to them by their workplace manager and gain experience for their future employment.
4.2 Team Academy specialisation
During the active training period and the internship, the students will work on their own entrepreneurial ideas as well as on real business projects.
The aim of the online system is to significantly reduce the time required for managing contacts and administrative processes by means of advanced technological solutions.
The platform covers three major areas:
1. Online form filling system
2. Career platform
3. Dual training
The purpose of the online form filling system is to provide a digital solution for managing the entire internship administration process in a paperless way, standardising and regulating the process of filling in internship forms and avoiding incorrect completion.
The Career Platform is a virtual platform designed to match the labour market offers and needs of the companies and the students, where companies can advertise job opportunities, project work and internship for BUEB students.
The aim of the dual training platform is to ensure that the processes and records of dual training are fully documented.
URL of the Online Career Platform:
The administration process must be initiated by the placement provider in every case.
The student should request the organisation offering placement to register in the system. Naturally, this should be done only after the placement provider has given its prior consent to accept the student as a trainee.
For a more detailed user manual on the Career Platform please visit our website.
It is necessary to register for the Internship course (SZGY0BA20) in the Neptun system by the end of the registration period for the semester in which it is completed.
As a first step of the administration process, the University and the placement provider must conclude a cooperation agreement, which the placement provider can create and download in the online system. The agreement sets out the labour aspects of the internship and the relevant rights and obligations of the parties.
If the duration of the internship exceeds an uninterrupted period of six weeks, the student will be entitled to a remuneration of at least sixty five percent of the compulsory minimum wage. The exact amount of the remuneration must be established in the employment contract concluded between the placement provider and the student.
Two copies of the completed online document must be printed out, signed and stamped by the partner, and then sent to the Office for Academic Support (1149 Budapest, Buzogány u. 11-13.).
If this agreement has already been concluded between the University and the Partner in the online system, it is not necessary to re-create it for the following semesters.
The system allows the students to view the companies that have already signed a cooperation agreement.
The first step of administration is that the university has to sign a Cooperation Agreement with the internship company. The Cooperation Agreement is made between the University and the partner institution through the online system. The Agreement states the legal issues, including the rights and obligations of both partners during the internship.
In case the Agreement was signed in the online platform, it is not necessary to sign it again in the following semesters. Students can find those companies in the system with which the university have already signed an agreement.
The Agreement created through the online system must be printed by the partner institution, signed and stamped, and then sent to the Career Office. (1149 Budapest, Buzogány u. 11-13.)
Deadline: three weeks before starting the internship at the latest.
By completing this document, the placement provider declares its intention to accept the specific student. In order for the content of the declaration to be correct, the student must provide the placement provider with the following information:
• Name
• Neptune code
• Faculty
• Study programme.
Deadline for submitting the Declaration of Acceptance via the online system: at least 3 weeks before the start of the internship
The student will receive the declaration of acceptance from the placement provider via the online system (Student declaration).
On this form the student must
• confirm his/her intention to undertake the internship at the particular company in the position and at the time indicated by the company,
• consent to the provision of his/her personal data by the University for
conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement with the placement
• declare his/her intention to meet the course requirements by the start of the internship,
• accept the clause on liability insurance.
The students can access the system with their Neptun username and password.
The BUEB internship officer will then assess whether the position is professionally suitable. The relevant decision will be notified to the partner and the student via the system.
This annex will constitute Annex 2 to the Cooperation Agreement containing information on the student to be employed, the specific details of the internship to be recorded by the placement provider, and the details to be filled in by the University.
The placement provider must create this form in the system after the Declaration of Acceptance for Internship has been approved by the relevant University department.
The form will be fully completed with information that cannot be changed (as it has already been subjected to a multi-level approval process), except for the details of the officer of the company in charge of the internship.
The student will complete his/her internship during the period specified in the online system and will be supervised by a designated instructor/professional supervisor. The student or the placement provider must notify the University of any material deviation from the conditions set out in the Cooperation Agreement or any significant problem arising during the internship.
Upon completion of the internship, evaluation will take place as follows:
- The placement provider will complete a ‘Certificate and Evaluation’ form. The performance of the student will be assessed according to a number of criteria, expressed in percentage terms. The department will record the student's grade in Neptune based on the aggregate score.
- The student will complete the ‘Student Report and Evaluation’ form, providing feedback to the University on his/her experience. If at least 5 students have already completed their internship with the same company, the average of the student evaluations will be displayed in the system, providing future students with a satisfaction score for the specific placement.
There will be no need to prepare and upload a separate report.
If the student is employed through a cooperative, the necessary administrative steps must be taken by the students’ cooperative using the Online Career Platform.
Once the internship has been completed, the students’ cooperative will send the ‘Certificate and Evaluation’ form to the placement provider for completion.
For students studying with a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship, it is important to: Rules and Regulations of the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme, these students can fullfill their internship only in Hungary.
In the case of self-funded foreign students, state scholarship and self-funded students: The online system is available both in Hungarian and in English. Therefore, the procedures for internships done abroad are the same as those done in Hungary.
Declaration on the conclusion of liability insurance
In the case of internships abroad, the students must also undertake in a Student Declaration that for the duration of their internship to be spent abroad, they will take out health, occupational safety and other liability insurance on their own responsibility and at their own expense.
Pannónia Scholarship Programme
For internships abroad, you can also apply for a Pannónia Scholarship Programme in this case it is still necessary to complete the administration of the mandatory internship in the online Career Platform, and the application for the Pannónia Scholarship Programme can be submitted to the International Relations and Mobility Office at least 2 months before the planned trip.
The student may change his/her placement should it be justified. In this case the Career Office must be contacted in advance.
To change the internship placement, the placement already started must be terminated on the Career Platform by the partner filling in the Certificate and Evaluation form and the student filling in the Student Report and Evaluation form.
The new placement provider must start the online administration process from the beginning, specifying the remaining period of the internship.
It is important to note that if the University accepts completion at both placement providers, the respective internship periods must make up the total number of hours required.
The students may already have work experience which may fulfil the internship requirements. Credit may be given for work experience which has been gained after the completion of the course requirements (Section 2) on condition that it meets the internship requirements.
Request for recognition of work experience ((Completion of internship (SZGY0BA20)) can be submitted on the Online Career Platform using the appropriate form
In this case the request can be submitted on the Online Career Platform using the appropriate form. The application will be assessed by the competent department.
Documents to be submitted with the application:
1. A certificate from the employer stating the name of the company, the start date of employment (as well as the end date where appropriate), and the position,
2. and
a. a 25-page report on the activities performed, or
b. in the case of an ongoing employment relationship, a Certificate and Evaluation Form (available at the University’s website) for the company to evaluate the student's competencies in percentage terms.
The Head of the Department may invite the applicant for an oral interview in order to verify the student's professional work experience.
To submit the application, it is also important to register for the Internship course in Neptun by the end of the course registration period for the semester in question.
If you have any questions, please contact at