Tárgykód / Neptun Code | - |
Szervező / Organiser | Department of Languages for Business Communication / KVIK Gazdasági Szaknyelvek Tanszék |
Tárgy jellege / Subject Type | Szabadon választható / elective subject |
Rövid tartalom / Short summary | The course is part of an international program in which BBS students can participate in a joint project with students from foreign universities. Traveling around the world as a tourist, we can experience more and more often that we can get to know a specific area, city, or service through the thoughts of a specific person/persons. This can make the location more interesting, colorful, personalized and attractive to us. These personal introductions or descriptions are typically created by using the method of digital storytelling, which will be introduced to the students in the course by both a theoretical and practical approach. Students will make their own videos by the end of the course using the DST methodology. Syllabus:
Kurzus nyelve / Language | Angol / English |
Óraszám / Hours | / 26 óra (6 óra online előzetesen + 20 óra jelenléti az intenzív hét keretében) / 26 hours (20 hours face-to-face course + 6 hours online session before the course) |
Beszámítás / kreditérték Recognition / credits | 3 kredit / 3 credits |
Hallgatói kör / Students we recommend | Valamennyi BGE magyar és külföldi hallgató (Erasmusos hallgatók is) / All Hungarian and foreign BBS students (Erasmus students also) |
Létszám / Number of Students | 15-25 fő / 15-25 students |
Értékelés / Assessment Methods | 50% active participation in online and offline sessions, daily self- and peer-assessment with the coaches, 50% project work (creating a DST video) |
Előadó / Lecturer | Dr. Pál Ágnes Ibolya, Dr. Asztalos Réka, Debreceni János, Schultz Éva, Dr. Petykó Csilla, Dr. Papp Vanda, Dr. Kovács András |
További információ / Further information | Dr. Ágnes Ibolya Pál – FCHT Department of Languages for Business Communication |
Egyéb / Other | Teaching methods applied: project-based approach, employing the method of digital storytelling See also the call for participation on the website of our international project: https://corallprojecteu.wixsite.com/presentation/about-4 |
New methods in the tourism and hospitality industry: Digital Storytelling